The changes you made locally have now been committed and pushed to your fork on GitHub. If you go to GitHub, you’ll now be able to see the details of the last commit. However, we want to collect all participants’ files in the upstream repository ie r-rse/evolottery
. So the next step is to make a pull request from your fork to the upstream repository.
Let’s head to GitHub to make our pull request in the browser.
GitHub is already flagging the fact that your fork is ahead of the master
branch in the upstream repository and a button to Contribute your changes is visible next to that flag.
To initiate a pull request (PR), click on the Contribute button and then click the Open pull request button that appears.
Once a PR is initiated, GitHub automatically compares your version of the code to that in the upstream repository and checks whether your changes can be merged automatically, ie that they do not create any merge conflicts.
If everything has gone well, GitHub should advise that you are able to merge your changes.
You are finally ready to send the pull request to the upstream repo. The pull request not only shows the changes you made but also initiates a comment thread in which you can communicate with the upstream repository owners.
At this stage, you have the opportunity to give a bit more detail about the changes you have made. Be polite and friendly and be as descriptive as possible! Remember, there are actual humans at the other end of the PR that need to understand what changes you have made, why and be convinced that your changes are worth merging in to the code base.
Write a short message to the upstream repo owners and click on the Create pull request button to continue,.
Your pull request has now been opened!